जयपुर के आमेर जोधपुर के मेहरानगढ़ से भी पुराना है सोजत का किला

जयपुर के आमेर जोधपुर के मेहरानगढ़ से भी पुराना है सोजत का किला

sojat kila

This fort was established in the 11th century by the Hul Kshatriyas in the name of Sejal Mata, and the fort was built in 1460 AD by the son of Rao Jodha, Nambi, on the hill called Nani Siradi. Here the Rajprasad and the temple were built inside the huge pavilion. In 1807 AD, the mint of Jodhpur state was established. In ancient times, this city was also known as Tamaravati. This fort built in the 14th century is more ancient than Jaipur (17th century) of Jodhpur, Mehrangarh (16th Century) of Jodhpur.

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